But today, I had the day off work, its snowy out there, so it was just him and me eating at home - yay! I wanted to try pumpkin pancakes...doesn't that sound just delicious? I never even thought of such a thing until someone on facebook said they were making it. I found a few recipes for pumpkin pancakes from scratch, but I didn't have buttermilk so I cheated and used a box mix. So really this barely counts as a "recipe" but I wanted to post something!
It was the perfect cold-weather meal! Sam took his pancakes without pumpkin - but its easy enough to make 2 batches separate! My directions are for one batch - yes, I ate them all. Yummm. And my directions are very approximate. I added enough pumpkin so that there would be some in every bite. I went a little heavy on the nutmeg - its so strong I would use less next time to allow the pumpkin flavor to come through. I also made us some turkey sausages and had some pomegranate with mine! (That's those pretty berry-looking things in the back). I was home all day today, and after doing a couple hours of Bible research I was (subconsiously) hungry for pomegrantes! My considerate husband brought me one home - yum!
1 cup complete (just add water) buttermilk pancake mix
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup pumpkin
couple pinches cinnamon
pinch nutmeg
Mix ingredients all together. Cook as regular pancakes. Top with maple syrup - real maple syrup if you have it!
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